Unleashing the Power of AI: Draft MBA Application Essays with ChatGPT

As a boutique admissions consulting firm, M7 Admissions (M7A) is dedicated to helping ambitious professionals unlock their full potential. One of the most important (and arguably the most difficult) components of an MBA application is the essay. However, with newly available AI tools, getting stated doesn’t have to be so hard. In this blog post, we discuss how ChatGPT can be used to write a successful application essay.

Leveraging ChatGPT for Your Application Essays

Understanding the Prompts

The initial step to effectively employing ChatGPT for your essays is to meticulously analyze the prompts. MBA applications typically include essays that probe into your background, experiences, ambitions, and motivations for choosing a specific program. These inquiries, whether broad or precise, aim to unveil your persona and suitability for their institution. Prior to engaging with ChatGPT, it's crucial to comprehend the essence of these prompts thoroughly.

Generating Ideas

Understanding the prompts paves the way for the ideation phase, where ChatGPT's capabilities shine. By feeding the prompt into ChatGPT, you can solicit a plethora of ideas or suggestions pertinent to your essay. For instance, if prompted to delineate a challenge you've surmounted, ChatGPT can propose a variety of scenarios based on your input, facilitating a robust brainstorming session to refine your narrative.

Outlining Your Essay

With a collection of ideas at your disposal, structuring your essay becomes the subsequent focus. ChatGPT assists in crafting a detailed outline, organizing your thoughts cohesively. By inputting your ideas, ChatGPT can suggest an effective structure, including potential sections, paragraphs, and transitional phrases, ensuring a logical flow of information.

Writing the Essay

Armed with a solid outline, the writing phase can commence. Here, ChatGPT continues to be an invaluable ally. Inputting each section of your outline into ChatGPT can yield suggestions for sentences, phrases, and elaborative details, significantly aiding in the articulation of your ideas. Moreover, it serves as a tool for grammar, spelling, and punctuation checks, enhancing the technical quality of your writing.

Editing and Revising

The refinement stage is critical, with ChatGPT playing a key role in editing and revising your draft. By submitting your essay to ChatGPT, you can uncover areas necessitating enhancement. ChatGPT offers revision suggestions, feedback on coherence, and overall effectiveness, enabling you to elevate your essay's quality further.

Tips for Maximizing ChatGPT's Potential in Essay Writing

Use ChatGPT as a Supplement

Leverage ChatGPT for idea generation and structural guidance without forgoing your unique voice and analytical thinking.

Be Specific and Personal

Customize ChatGPT's general suggestions with personal anecdotes and specific details that reflect your individuality.

Exercise Moderation with ChatGPT

Utilize ChatGPT as an auxiliary tool rather than a crutch, ensuring your essay remains authentically yours.

Tailor to the Application's Context

Adapt ChatGPT's suggestions to align with the mission, values, and expectations of your target program.


Familiarize yourself with ChatGPT through regular practice to harness its full potential in your essay writing process.


ChatGPT emerges as a revolutionary tool for MBA applicants navigating the complexities of essay writing. By integrating ChatGPT's capabilities with personal insights and experiences, candidates can craft distinctive essays that underscore their potential and fit for top-tier business schools. At M7 Admissions, we champion the use of innovative tools like ChatGPT to bolster your application's impact, guiding you closer to your dream MBA program.

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