So You've Submitted Your HBS Application. Now What?

The R1 deadline for Harvard Business School's full-time MBA program is here, and you've successfully submitted your application. The anxious rush leading up to hitting that "Submit" button is behind you. You may be feeling a mix of relief, uncertainty, and the odd sense of emptiness, asking yourself, "Now what?" While it's tempting to spend your days refreshing your email for interview invites or admissions decisions, there's more you can and should do during this waiting period. In this blog post, we'll walk you through practical steps and strategies to keep you moving forward – effectively setting you up for success, no matter the outcome.

The R1 deadline for Harvard Business School's full-time MBA program is here, and you've successfully submitted your application. The anxious rush leading up to hitting that "Submit" button is behind you. You may be feeling a mix of relief, uncertainty, and the odd sense of emptiness, asking yourself, "Now what?"

While it's tempting to spend your days refreshing your email for interview invites or admissions decisions, there's more you can and should do during this waiting period. In this blog post, we'll walk you through practical steps and strategies to keep you moving forward – effectively setting you up for success, no matter the outcome.

Understand the HBS Admission Timelines

The Waiting Game

The waiting period can feel like forever, but understanding the admission timelines can make this period more manageable. After the R1 deadline, HBS usually takes a few weeks to start sending out interview invitations. Keep an eye on your inbox, but also prepare for the steps ahead.

Preparing for the Unexpected

It's also possible that you may be put on the waitlist or unfortunately not receive an invitation this time around. Knowing the timeline allows you to prepare for Plan B and Plan C, which we'll delve into later.

The Interview Preparation

Early Bird Gets the Worm

While you're waiting for that much-anticipated email, start preparing for the interview. HBS interviews are unlike any other, focusing not just on your past achievements but also on your future ambitions and interpersonal skills. Begin by practicing your "story" and how you articulate your career goals, achievements, and reasons for wanting an MBA, especially from HBS.

Mock Interviews: A Valuable Resource

Mock interviews can help you identify areas for improvement and build confidence. At M7 Admissions, we offer realistic mock interviews conducted by experts familiar with the HBS interview process. We recommend signing up for a free consultation to learn how we can personalize your interview preparation journey.

Reflect on Your Application

Quality Over Quantity

Use this time to reflect on your application objectively. If you've applied to HBS, it’s highly likely you've applied to other top-tier schools. Could your application be stronger? Is your career narrative coherent and compelling? Are there any gaps or red flags you can address in other applications or in the event that you have to reapply next year?

Seek Expert Advice

A professional review of your application can provide invaluable insights. At M7 Admissions, we have an exceptional team of admissions consultants who can help refine your overall application strategy. We invite you to sign up for a free consultation to maximize your chances of being admitted.

Prepare Plan B and Plan C

Other MBA Programs

It's always good to have a backup plan. If you haven’t already, consider applying to other top MBA programs in subsequent rounds. The “M7” schools (MIT Sloan, Stanford, Wharton, Kellogg, Booth, Columbia) offer fantastic opportunities as well.

Rethink and Reapply

If things don't go as planned, it's not the end of the world. Many successful candidates reapply after enhancing their profiles. M7 Admissions can help you re-strategize and better your chances for the next application cycle.

Take Care of Yourself

Balance Is Key

It’s easy to get caught up in the admission whirlpool and forget about other aspects of your life. Take some time to relax and rejuvenate. Work-life balance is an important skill in business school and beyond, so start practicing it now.

Networking and Skill Enhancement

Use the waiting period as an opportunity to enhance your skill set and network. Both will not only improve your profile but will also prepare you for the rigors of an MBA program and your future career.

Keep an Eye on Your Email

The Moment of Truth

After what will feel like an eternity, you will receive the email you've been waiting for. Prepare yourself for all possible outcomes and remember, receiving an interview invite is a significant achievement in itself. But also know that the journey has just begun and the interview will require your full attention and preparation.


In summary, the time after submitting your HBS R1 application is far from a passive waiting game. It's an opportunity to improve, prepare, and even redefine your goals and aspirations.

If you're serious about getting into HBS or any other top-tier MBA program, you don't have to navigate this challenging period alone. Sign up for a free consultation with M7 Admissions today, and let's take the next step in your MBA journey together.

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