Expert Guidance,
Exceptional Results

Secure admissions to top MBA programs with M7A

Applying to business school doesn’t have to be stressful

We partner with top talent and champion the strongest possible applications.

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of our clients secure offers from their first or second choice MBA program


  • Uncertainty navigating applications
  • Lack of insider knowledge
  • Inconsistent messaging
  • Untapped potential


  • Clear application roadmap
  • Expert advice from M7 alumni
  • Coherent, compelling narrative
  • Maximized potential

Embark on your MBA journey with confidence.

Four steps.
Comprehensive guidance.
Real results.

Book a Free Consultation

We Assess

Deep dive into your profile to identify strengths and gaps


We Strategize

Position your story as a unique
and compelling narrative


We Execute

Transform your resume and master each essay


You Submit

Deliver a winning application to the admissions committee

We don’t believe in Imposter Syndrome.

Meet our Ambassadors

Because you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You deserve a shot at a top MBA program just as much as anyone else.

Headshot of AbbyHeadshot of NickHeadshot of LukeHeadshot of TonyHeadshot of Vrushab
5-star review
Abby will graduate with a Master's Degree in Public Policy from Georgetown McCourt in '24.
Abby Vare
Georgetown McCourt ‘24
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5-star review
Nick graduated from Harvard Business School in '22 and currently works at Sage Succession.
Nick Wheeler
Harvard Business School '22
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5-star review
Luke graduated from Northwestern Kellog and Northwestern Law in '23. He currently works at Vinson & Elkins
Luke Groom
Northwestern Kellogg '23
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5-star review
Tony graduated from Harvard Kennedy in '22 and currently works at VC University.
Tony Lodge
Harvard Kennedy School '22
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5-star review
Vrushab graduated from Harvard Law School in '21 and UNC School of Medicine in '22. He currently works at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Vrushab Gowda
Harvard Law School '21
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