Mastering the Art of MBA Application LORs (Letters of Recommendation)

Compiling a successful MBA application requires skillfully piecing together several vital components. Amidst a host of factors such as academic transcripts, GMAT scores, resumes, personal essays, and interviews, LORs play a pivotal role. They serve as third-party endorsements of your abilities and potential, giving the admissions committee a unique perspective on your candidacy. In this blog post, we discuss strategies for choosing the right recommenders, understanding the dual perspective approach, and creating compelling LORs that can set your MBA application apart.

Compiling a successful MBA application requires skillfully piecing together several vital components. Amidst a host of factors such as academic transcripts, GMAT scores, resumes, personal essays, and interviews, LORs play a pivotal role. They serve as third-party endorsements of your abilities and potential, giving the admissions committee a unique perspective on your candidacy. In this blog post, we discuss strategies for choosing the right recommenders, understanding the dual perspective approach, and creating compelling LORs that can set your MBA application apart.

Unleashing the Power of Dual Perspectives

LORs should paint a well-rounded picture of your professional abilities, character, and potential. The most effective approach employs a dual perspective strategy. One LOR could focus on your analytical skills, professional acumen, and strategic prowess, while the other could concentrate on your interpersonal skills, collaborative abilities, and leadership flair. By leveraging this strategy, you ensure a comprehensive and balanced portrayal of your candidacy.

Selecting Your Champions: Identifying the Right Recommenders

Choosing individuals who can effectively advocate for your MBA ambitions is critical. The ideal recommender is someone who has closely worked with you and is passionate about endorsing your MBA pursuit.

A current supervisor who can provide firsthand accounts of your day-to-day performance, professional growth, and career trajectory often makes a compelling recommender. The second recommender should offer insights that complement the first, highlighting different facets of your professional and personal persona.

Navigating the Maze of Recommender Selection

The process of selecting recommenders may require overcoming certain challenges. If you're unable to ask your current supervisor for an LOR, you can clarify your situation in the optional essay, and instead consider a former supervisor or a senior colleague.

Remember, proximity to your work matters more than title prestige. Admission committees value firsthand, detailed experiences over generic praise from high-profile individuals.

Academic references might be considered but typically provide less relevant insights within the MBA context than professional ones.

Customers or clients might provide a unique perspective, but only if they've had an in-depth view of your managerial capabilities. Likewise, a coworker can be a valuable choice under certain circumstances, like if they can provide insights on a recent achievement that others cannot.

In case you face difficulties in securing a second professional recommender, consider individuals from other organizations where you have significantly contributed, such as volunteer groups or clubs.

Building Compelling LORs

Creating impactful LORs demands clear communication with your recommenders. Discuss your MBA goals and explain how their endorsement can enhance your application. Be open about the strengths you want them to emphasize and the improvements that can underscore your growth and adaptability.

An effective LOR should provide a personalized view of your professional journey and potential, not just reiterate your resume. Encourage your recommenders to share specific anecdotes that can substantiate their claims, making their endorsement authentic and engaging.

Be professional throughout this process. Provide your recommenders with sufficient time, and offer any assistance they might need in understanding the application process or the program. Showing your appreciation with a thank you note can help maintain these invaluable relationships.


The journey to an MBA involves various critical stages, and securing compelling LORs is undoubtedly a significant part of it. These endorsements provide a different lens through which the admission committees can view your potential, a view from those who've worked closely with you.

At M7 Admissions, we are well-versed with the intricacies of the MBA application process. We aim to assist you at every step, from selecting the right recommenders to creating an overall application that sets you apart.

Take your first step towards your future transformation. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us guide you in crafting an application that resonates with the admissions committees. Your next big leap is just a click away. Allow us to be part of your success journey.

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