Crafting Your Narrative: A Comprehensive Guide to the Michigan Ross MBA Essays

Envision your MBA application as a complex puzzle, where each piece is a distinct component of your profile. A compelling resume, strong GMAT scores, impressive work experience – they all have their place. But arguably the most important piece of the admissions puzzle is the application essay. For Michigan's Ross School of Business, the essays for the full-time MBA program application offer an opportunity for you to demonstrate your unique qualities and potential. And, at M7 Admissions, we're here to guide you in assembling this puzzle seamlessly. In this blog post, we'll examine each of the essay prompts for the Ross MBA application, analyze them, and provide specific examples to guide your responses.

Envision your MBA application as a complex puzzle, where each piece is a distinct component of your profile. A compelling resume, strong GMAT scores, impressive work experience – they all have their place. But arguably the most important piece of the admissions puzzle is the application essay. For Michigan's Ross School of Business, the essays for the full-time MBA program application offer an opportunity for you to demonstrate your unique qualities and potential. And, at M7 Admissions, we're here to guide you in assembling this puzzle seamlessly. In this blog post, we'll examine each of the essay prompts for the Ross MBA application, analyze them, and provide specific examples to guide your responses.

Part 1: Short-Answer Questions

Ross prompts you to choose and respond to one question from each of two groups. These short questions give you a great chance to reveal your unique traits, experiences, and potential.

Group 1

"I want people to know that I..."

Ross is encouraging you to spotlight an aspect of your personality that may not be obvious from your resume or test scores.


  • "I want people to know that I am a compassionate leader. As a team lead at Google, I prioritized empathy when managing my team. This approach led to a 20% increase in team morale and productivity."
  • Analysis: This response reveals the candidate's leadership style, emphasizing empathy, and its impact on the team. It conveys that the applicant is not just a leader but one who understands the importance of emotional intelligence in management.
  • "I want people to know that I am a creative problem-solver. In my role as a product manager at Microsoft, I developed a unique algorithm that improved our software’s user interface, leading to a 15% increase in user satisfaction."
  • Analysis: This example illustrates the candidate's problem-solving ability and creativity. It effectively showcases how the applicant used an innovative approach to enhance user experience, which is valuable in any business context.

"I made a difference when I..."

Ross wants to understand how you've positively impacted your environment.


"I made a difference when I implemented a waste reduction initiative at Tesla, which resulted in a 25% decrease in manufacturing waste within a year."

Analysis: This example demonstrates the candidate's ability to drive significant positive changes, showing initiative, problem-solving skills, and an understanding of sustainability - all attractive attributes to the admissions committee.

"I made a difference when I established a diversity and inclusion committee at my current firm, Deloitte. Our initiatives have led to a 30% increase in the hiring of underrepresented groups."

Analysis: This response highlights the candidate's commitment to diversity and inclusion, signaling a mature understanding of contemporary corporate culture and challenges. It portrays the applicant as a proactive leader capable of implementing social change.

"I was aware that I was different when..."

Ross is keen to understand your unique perspective or experiences.


"I was aware that I was different when I was the only woman in the room during a key strategy meeting at Goldman Sachs. Despite being a minority, I voiced my ideas, which were instrumental in shaping our investment strategy."

Analysis: This answer showcases the candidate's ability to thrive in challenging environments and contribute despite potential obstacles. It underlines their determination, resilience, and potential as a leader.

"I was aware I was different when I transitioned from a career in the military to investment banking. My unique background equipped me with a distinct perspective, allowing me to approach problems differently at J.P. Morgan."

Analysis: This response demonstrates the candidate's adaptability and highlights the value of a diverse perspective. It suggests that the applicant can leverage their unique experiences to contribute significantly to the MBA cohort.

Group 2

"I was out of my comfort zone when..."

This prompt allows Ross to assess your ability to adapt and learn from new experiences.


"I was out of my comfort zone when I led a cross-functional team at Amazon to develop a new feature in our application. Despite initial struggles, I learned to bridge the gap between technical and non-technical team members, ensuring a successful project completion."

Analysis: This response displays the candidate's capability to step out of their comfort zone, collaborate across functions, and lead a successful project. It suggests the applicant can navigate complex situations and learn from challenges.

"I was out of my comfort zone when I moved to China to expand our business operations at Uber. Despite cultural and language barriers, I successfully established a strong local team and increased our market share by 20%."

Analysis: This answer conveys the applicant's global mindset, adaptability, and leadership skills. It underscores the ability to work effectively in diverse cultural environments - a valuable asset in today's globalized business world.

"I was humbled when..."

Through this question, Ross aims to understand your capacity for growth and self-awareness.


"I was humbled when a project I was leading at McKinsey failed due to unforeseen market changes. This experience taught me the importance of agile planning and continuous market evaluation."

Analysis: This example presents the candidate's ability to learn from failure. It emphasizes humility, adaptability, and strategic thinking – attributes the admissions committee will value.

"I was humbled when, as a young manager at Accenture, I received feedback about my lack of clear communication. I took this to heart and invested in communication training, which significantly improved my team's effectiveness."

Analysis: This response demonstrates the candidate's receptiveness to feedback and commitment to personal growth. It also highlights the importance they place on communication, a crucial skill for any future business leader.

"I was challenged when..."

Ross is interested in evidence of your problem-solving abilities and resilience.


"I was challenged when I had to close a major client deal at Salesforce during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the limitations of virtual communication, I successfully closed the deal by adapting my client management strategy."

Analysis: This example indicates resilience, adaptability, and innovative thinking. The ability to navigate challenges and achieve results in a difficult context will resonate positively with the admissions committee.

"I was challenged when I had to manage budget cuts in my department at Oracle. By reallocating resources and prioritizing projects, I ensured critical initiatives stayed on track."

Analysis: This response showcases the candidate's capacity to handle tough situations, make strategic decisions, and prioritize effectively. It emphasizes their problem-solving abilities, which is an essential trait for an MBA candidate.

Part 2: Career Goal

Ross is interested in your short-term career goal and why this is the right path for you.


"My short-term career goal is to transition into product management within the tech industry. Given my experience as a software engineer at IBM, I have developed a profound understanding of tech product development and now, I wish to manage the strategic aspect of product life cycles."

Analysis: This goal is specific, achievable, and logically aligned with the applicant's previous experience. It demonstrates a clear career trajectory and a sound understanding of their future role.

"My short-term career goal is to work in management consulting, focusing on the healthcare sector. My previous role as a project manager at Medtronic has equipped me with industry-specific knowledge and I believe consulting will allow me to leverage my skills to facilitate transformative changes for multiple healthcare firms."

Analysis: This example presents a clear link between the candidate's past experience and future aspirations. It shows that the applicant has a solid understanding of their target industry, which is crucial for post-MBA career success.

Optional Statement

Use this prompt only if you have an anomaly in your resume or application. Be candid, and show how you bounced back or learned from the situation. Here are a few examples:

"After a company-wide layoff in 2020, I faced an employment gap of eight months. During this period, I honed my skills in financial modeling and business strategy, which enabled me to secure a role in strategic planning at Adobe."

Analysis: This response effectively turns a potential red flag into a testament to the candidate's resilience and proactivity. It shows the candidate's capacity for self-improvement during a challenging period.

"My GPA in my first year of undergraduate study was significantly lower due to personal hardships. However, I managed to improve my grades in the following years, reflecting my resilience and dedication to academic success."

Analysis: This example highlights the candidate's ability to rebound from academic difficulties and demonstrates their commitment to achieving academic excellence. It will appeal to the admissions committee as it underscores determination and resilience.

Consortium Core Application Essay

This essay replaces the short-term career goal question for Consortium applicants. Here are two examples:

"In the short term, I aim to work in corporate social responsibility at a tech company like Facebook, leveraging my experience as an environmental consultant. In the long term, I plan to launch a social entrepreneurship venture in the tech sector. A Ross MBA, with its strong focus on social impact and entrepreneurship, is the perfect stepping stone I need to fulfill these goals."

Analysis: This response presents clear short and long-term goals, and convincingly links them with the applicant's past experiences and Ross's MBA offerings. It reflects a well-thought-out career plan and demonstrates an understanding of the value of a Ross MBA.

"In the short term, I aspire to work in strategic consulting at firms such as BCG or Bain, drawing from my past experience in operations at FedEx. My long-term goal is to leverage this consulting experience to lead the strategic planning department of a logistics firm. The emphasis on strategy and operations in the Ross MBA curriculum makes it the perfect fit for my goals."

Analysis: This example exhibits a logical connection between the candidate's past, present, and future. It effectively showcases the role of the Ross MBA in achieving their goals and reflects a clear understanding of the program’s offerings.


In conclusion, each essay prompt for the Ross MBA application offers an opportunity to illuminate a different aspect of your journey, skills, and ambitions. By tackling each one thoughtfully and specifically, you can create a compelling narrative that stands out. At M7 Admissions, we're here to guide you through this process, helping you craft an application that leaves a lasting impression.

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